Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sewing Room

::: Reminiscing :::

Thinking back to a time very long ago when I used to have a clean, well decorated sewing room. Pre-move. Sadly, my sewing room is still in the cleaning and decorating stages! I can still sew in it, but I have so many items that need to find a home somewhere other than the giant cutting table!

Looking at these pictures it's hard to believe that my sewing room was ever this organized. Since moving, I've been struggling to find room for all of my home decorating items (which reside under the giant cutting table) and extra fabric stash. If you don't have a fabric stash yet, never start one. They're horrible things! I have so many fabrics that I know I will never get around to sewing with, even if I could think up a handful of projects for them. Now I wish that I had the $$money$$ that I spent on that fabric! I've been selling some on Etsy...it sells rather well, actually (I guess others are building up their stashes!), but I can't seem to be rid of it fast enough. :)

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  1. Ah yes... The long ago organized sewing room....I too look at wonderful pictures of my once ship shape room. And the fabric stash...I like to call mine the leaning tower of fabrisa! I'm sure the new room will come together just as charming as the old (which was very cute!)

  2. Wow, very organised. I wish I had the space for such a neat looking sewing room.

  3. OMG it's SO cute! Mine right now is neither cute nor at all clean and functional. Can I just crawl into your pictures and hang out for awhile? :-)

  4. No kidding about the fabric stash. I had my own, then inherited my sister's (which was larger than mine). I've even been known to take home a whole, free, quilt scrap barrel, what am I thinking?
