Sunday, December 5, 2010

Green Silk 1870s Dress

This weekend, my mother Nancy wore her new olive green silk 1870s dress at Wheatland, home of President James Buchanan. I designed the dress for her, we worked together to create the patterns, and she did the sewing. I was inspired by the lovely purple dress in the BBC movie 'Daniel Deronda'. I'm very pleased with the way it turned out.
The bustle and petticoat worn under the dress were created using Truly Victorian patterns.

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  1. Lins- that dress is GORGEOUS! I simply am like melting her looking at this dress! I also LOVE her hair!

  2. Lovely! It's just FABULOUS. Which trim did you decide on?

  3. This dress is so dreamy, Lindsey! Someday I shall make a natural form dress. Someday. :)
